The World's Trusted Currency Authority

✅ Sign up for a free personal or business account in minutes

✅ Our cheapest rates ever. Money arrives in minutes.

Millions check our rates and send money with us every day

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How to send money with Xe

1. Create account

It takes just a few minutes. All we need is your email address and some additional information.

2. Instant Quote

Get a live bank-beating money transfer rate for your chosen currency.

3. Confirm and send

Check the currencies, amount and recipient are correct. Send us the funds and we'll do the rest.

Recommended by 65,000+ verified customers

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Flexible ways to send money

Securely send money for cash pickup, to mobile wallets or simply transfer to bank accounts around the world

Send directly to hundreds of major banks globally.

Deposited in minutes.

Sign up

Send money to 500,000+ convenient locations in over 150 countries.

Pickup instantly.

Sign up

Send directly to your loved one’s mobile phone in 35+ countries around the world.

Arrives instantly.

Sign up

Secure and trusted

✅ Regulated by relevant authorities worldwide

✅ 275+ million people visit Xe online every year

✅ Account and transaction protection using 2-factor authentication

How long will it take to send money abroad?

Great rates and fast transfer speeds

✅ Bank-beating rates and no hidden fees

✅ Most transfers completed same day, some in minutes

✅ No min or max transfer amount limits

Xe global business account and international payments

Transfer updates and live customer support

✅ Live chat, phone and email support in multiple languages

✅ Live tracking and notifications

✅ Experienced account managers available for larger transfers

Track your money transfer and get live support

Frequently asked questions

Our exchange rates are bank-beating and are linked to the live foreign exchange markets. They will update right up until you confirm the transfer, so you can secure a rate you are comfortable with.

The majority of our money transfers to India are completed within just a few minutes. Occasionally certain factors can affect the transfer completion date. We'll keep you updated by email throughout the process.

You can make wire payments to India on our website or mobile app. Once you've booked your transfer, you can make payment to us by bank transfer or debit/credit card.

The amount you can transfer with Xe is unlimited. You can transfer up to $500,000 USD online (or currency equivalent). For larger amounts, you can contact our currency experts and they can guide you through the transfer process over the phone.

If you need to make a payment right away, you can make use of our one-off 'spot' transfers, but if your requirement is more complex, we have a solution for you as well. We offer the following services:

Spot Transfer

The 'buy now, pay now' option.

Good for: quick one-off payments.


A 'buy now, pay later' option.

Good for: property purchases or investments.

Market Orders

Allows you to specify a ‘target’ rate.

Good for: volatile markets and when your need isn't time-sensitive.

XE Money Transfer is a service provided by Dandelion Payments, Inc., dba Xe USA, licensed as a Money Transmitter by the New York State Department of Financial Services; licensed by the Georgia Department of Banking and Finance, NMLS ID 920968; licensed as a Foreign Transmittal Agency by the Massachusetts Division of Banks, NMLS ID 920968; and authorized to operate as a money transmitter in all United States' jurisdictions where it conducts business.