Here's how we calculate your savings

Compare banks in the US

The comparison savings are based on a single transfer of [USD]10,000 to [UKSterling]. Savings are calculated by comparing the exchange rate including margins and fees provided by each bank and Xe on the same day (12 September 2024). The comparison savings provided is true only for the example given and may not include all fees and charges. Different currency exchange amounts, currency types, dates, times, and other individual factors will result in different comparison savings. These results therefore may not be indicative of actual savings and should be used only as a guide. The rate comparison chart is updated quarterly.

Compare banks in the UK

The comparison savings are based on a single transfer of [UKSterling]10,000 to [EUR]. Savings are calculated by comparing the exchange rate including margins and fees provided by each bank and Xe on the same day (29 August 2024). The comparison savings provided is true only for the example given and may not include all fees and charges. Different currency exchange amounts, currency types, dates, times, and other individual factors will result in different comparison savings. These results therefore may not be indicative of actual savings and should be used only as a guide. The rate comparison chart is updated quarterly.

Compare banks in AU

The comparison savings are based on a single transfer of [AUD]10,000 to [USD]. Savings are calculated by comparing the exchange rate including margins and fees provided by each bank and Xe on the same day (17 July 2024). The comparison savings provided is true only for the example given and may not include all fees and charges. Different currency exchange amounts, currency types, dates, times, and other individual factors will result in different comparison savings. These results therefore may not be indicative of actual savings and should be used only as a guide. The rate comparison chart is updated quarterly.

Compare banks in CA

The comparison savings are based on a single transfer of [CAD]10,000 to [USD]. Savings are calculated by comparing the exchange rate including margins and fees provided by each bank and Xe on the same day (29 August 2024). The comparison savings provided is true only for the example given and may not include all fees and charges. Different currency exchange amounts, currency types, dates, times, and other individual factors will result in different comparison savings. These results therefore may not be indicative of actual savings and should be used only as a guide. The rate comparison chart is updated quarterly.